

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Do some research on this company. You will find the truth.

For all members from Dubai, Nepal and India

Our company has already launched business in your country and lot of people are already earning good money.

For members from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Phillippines

Our company is about to launch in your country before February 2015. If you are interested please give me your email and I will remind you when our company launches in your country.

Please note, there is NO FEES to join. You can join free first, attend our seminar and then you can decide whether to continue or not. There is absolutely no compulsion or obligation. (And I will not bombard you with email series. I will remind you just once or twice.)

Our company's name is VESTIGE MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITED, a company which started in India on 6th June 2004. Started with just 2 products, now our company has more than 60 products and now our company has become an International Company. Our company's official website is HERE

Now, few highlights about our company.

2006-We received ISO 9001:2000 certification

2008-We became a part of the prestigious Health Foods and Dietary Supplements Association (HADSA)

2009-Manufacturing facility received the ‘Good Manufacturing Practices’ certification

2010-We received 'Certificate of Excellence in Productivity, Quality, innovation and Management’ by the institute of Economic Studies (IES)

2011-We upgraded to ISO 9001:2008 certifications.

2012-We opened a branch in Dubai. (Indian Foods Export Organisation approved us too.)

2013-Our Managing Director Mr.Gautam Bali, received the award of "Best CEO in the industry" from an International Magazine 'Obtainer'.


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